
gALs NiTe oUt!!!!

Wuuuiiihhh......girls' night out!!!!
Kemaren malem, gue sama Iezt, Alvi, Winda, Dila, Damara, Tyaz, Riza, ama Sani jalan2 bareng. Yah, sebenernya gak dari malem sih, dari jam duaan sampe jam dlapan. Tapi, gara-gara gak ada yg nganterin, gue baru nyusul anak2 di Gale jam empatan, jadi sebelum itu anak2 main ke Karita. Getuuwww..... sebenernya di Gale kita mao foto2, taphe gak jadi cuz Damara, Tyaz, Riza, ama Dila udah pada ngumpul di Es Campur Sagan en waktunya udah mepet banget ama waktu buka. Ya udah, kita ke es campur Sagan.Trusss.... di sana kita nunggu buka sambil ngobrol2. Semuanya pada pesen es campur,gue ndiri yg mesen milkshake vanilla. Dah gitu, mana Alvi bilang gene,"Bum, itu kan banyak lemaknya" hwakkksss..... karepe-lah. Bodo amat. Udah gendut juga ni, hehehehe..... abis minum, kita mampir ke masjid besar UGM bwad Salat Magrib. Wah gila, keren bgd masjidnya.... truz, nah ni dia norkinya kita, kita foto2 di sana cobaaa!!! Minta tolong ama satpam ama mas2 yg mao sholat lage!!! Kalo waktu itu seh, kita cuek2 aja. Bodo amat yg penting foto2. Ehhh.... setelah gue pikir hari ini seh, gilaaaaa..... norak sekale kitaaaaaaaaa..... maluuu.... heheheh..... truz, abis puas solat ama foto2, kita semua ke warung deket selokan yg ngejual bebek goreng soalnya Damara ngebet ama bebek goreng. Trus, di sana gue pesen nasi goreng pake telur tanpa ayam(yah, gue masih parno ama flu burung se....), tempe penyet, sama jeruk gak dingin gak anget. Semuanya itu gue makan&minum BARENGAN ma Winda!!! Jadinya semua telor di nasi goreng kita, gue kasihin ke Winda. Hahaha....Wuiii..... nikmat sekale makan di pinggir jalan..... abis itu kita makan2, nongkrong mbil ngobrol2 mpe jam delapan. Oya, kita juga foto2 lho..... huakakakakakkksss.... oya, hanya dengan tiga ribu aja, gue udah kenyang banget makannya. Wiiihhh.... pokoknya enaaaakk.....
I love dat day!!!!


Gue hari ini merasa kayaknya gue orang yg stupiddd.........
Coz dimana anak2 di kelas gue terlihat pinter, gue nggak!!!!
Kecewa bgd gue......


Why do we need a friend? Well, it's because he/she will.......
1.tell when your face is dirty.
2.look for the best girl/boy for your match.
3.lend you her/his schoolnotes if you are sick and you can't go to school.
4.cheer you up when you are down.
5.give you some gifts if he/she is back from a trip.
6.still be your friend eventhough he/she knows every bad thing in you.
7.not protest if you sing loudly eventhough you have very bad voice.
8.defend you when anyone says bad things about you. you to develop your talent. in you.
11.give the best advices for you. a very good listener when you tell him/her about your feeling today.
13.lend you some money if you forget to bring your money.
14.lend you her gowns when you are going to a party and you don't have a good gown for it.
15.know what's on your mind so that you don't need to tell him/her.
16.think that we are also his/her friend!
Simple reasons about why we do need a friend, aren't they??


You will.........
1.Always smile without you realize it.
2.Always remember the boy you love, hmmm......
3.Feel like he also loves you when he smiles at you.
4.Feel confused about what to wear if you come to an event where he also comes.
5.Feel very happy if you can get a little information about him.
6.Always be happy.
7.Feel jealous if you see him with another girl.
8.Feel like you always wanna be close to him.
9.Think that he is the best guy in this world!
10.Suddenly care about your face and body more than before.
11.Not concentrate in what you are doing if he passes in front of you.
12.Fulfill your diary with everything about him.
13.Feel that you are blushing if someone says his name.
14.Love listening to mellow songs, eventhough you used to like Linkin Park.
15.Spend a week and a lot of money to look for the best gift for his birthday.
16.Have good imagination like "if he is Tarzan, then i am Jane!"
17.Always think that he is still the coolest eventhough he is very dirty.
18.Look for a chance to pass his house, only passing!!


Huuuuffff..... first day of fasting!! Lima belas menit lagi udah mao buka, sih......
Nulis apaan, ya???
Oya, gue mao cerita aja deyh.... gene, kayaknya sekarang ni gue uda makin dewasa, hehehe..... soalnya dulu kan gue sering ngiler sendiri ato tiba-tiba laper kalo ngeliatin acara masak geto, sekarang gue ngebantuin nyokap di dapur aja Alhamdulillah gak pake laper tu..... hummm......
Tapi puasa2 gene suka kadang kurang kerjaan neh, pas siangnya..... kalo mao bobok lom ngantuk, kalo mao ngapain juga binun......
kalo dulu seh gue suka nerusin novel, tape sekarang belom ada novel yang bisa diterusin..... ada sih, tape belom ada ide mao ngelanjutinnya gimana.....
ada yang bisa ngasih cerita yang bisa jadi inspirasi buat novel gue nggak???
Tulis di comments ato kirim aja ke email gue yah, di
Othreeee...??? Thanks bangget yawh.....
Met buka puachaaa...!!!